What on earth, you're wondering... This morning, on the radio show "Bush Telegraph" (fantastic show on ABC National, with rural news of Australia), a reporter was describing yesterday's Senate hearing to discuss the milk pricing system in effect. Of course the farmers aren't being paid enough, at least one particular group in Tasmania. Don't know if they are locked into contracts or for how long. Regardless, the Senator questioning the Executives of the Milk Co., Lion Nathan National Foods, dealt a warning, and said to him, "Now don't be a sook about this ... a sooky la la".
I absolutely love this expression. We first heard it at the school, and our kids had to figure it out ... what on earth? But now we like it, it's one of those great Aussie expressions, like ending sentences with "... as" (nice as, good as, busy as, bad as, etc.), or "blood nose" (for a nosebleed), or "sook" if you can't take the heat.
I'll add the link if anyone is curious -- they played music from a gorgeous band called Tin Pan Orange which is on the following link. http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bushtelegraph
Chocolate Banana Squash Muffins
Made with Callebaut Dark Chocolate cocoa and chips, Nature’s Farm eggs, and
squash grown by Kelly Ditz, Fair Trade and Local are delicious choices
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