Kai, Nicole and Gabriel... first morning in the new unis... Hats are required in terms 1 and 4 -- the school year here is divided into 4 ten week terms (very civilized) with 2 weeks off in between each, and more time off during the summer months of December and January.
They look great in red!
Bonnie wants to know if there is room in the house for the 5 FB's to come and stay!
Zachary doesn't think he'd like the red unis though.
Kai and Gabe we missed you in the pool - three weeks of canoeing and water games...even swimming in full clothes and rain gear.
Tom, we miss you too. We are moving into Klondike prep now - lots of outdoor nights - firebuilding, sledding, snowshoeing and pulling the Klondike Sled!
Hope you find a pack to visit while you are down under!
Those are awesome uniforms - gotta love the hats!
Super cool, Brig? Those unis are something else...
Was that pic taken on your driveway? Must be like paradise out there...
Hey, yeah, I like the red unis. The gang is quite happy to wear them as well, but maybe the thrill will wear off some time!
Yes, the pic is in the driveway, and yes, this place is loaded with palms, ferntrees, gum trees, possum poop (!), rhododendrons which will be gorgeous when they bloom, local bird life, and other plans I can't identify!
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